Arduino Library for AD7887

Based on the code  from Makis, SV1AFN I have created a small library to access the AD7887 ADC converter. The library is pretty simple to use.

#include <AD7887.h>

#define SELPIN 10   //Selection Pin
#define DATAOUT 9   //MOSI
#define DATAIN  8   //MISO
#define SPICLOCK 7 //Clock

void loop( void ) {
uint16_t actualValue = powerSensor.readADC();

// Do whatever you like with the data

You can find the library on GITHUB. Place all files in a newly created folder named "AD7887" in the library folder of your Arduino installation. Usually the "libraries" folder in your sketch folder. If you install the library correctly  it will appear under the SENSOR section in the Arduino IDE library manager.

 Here you can see some time diagrams:

TDiag1 TDiag2

I've used the SPI decoding function of my Rigol MSO2072A - this works pretty good!

D0 == /ChipSelect

D1 == SerialClock

D2 == Data from AD7887

D3 == Data to AD7887

As you can see, the speed is not so good. The library is using the standard Arduino implemenation of digitalWrite() command - they are horrible slow ...


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